Voces vitales (short film)
[EN] OMAYMA is a 9 year-old Moroccan girl who lives and studies in Barcelona. She has a sister, ARUB, who is 16 and whose hand will be asked for in marriage by the end of the day. At school, OMAYMA and her classmates look for their countries of origin in an atlas while telling the camera where they were born and where they feel they are from. Meanwhile, ARUB is at home where she is preparing flour to make bread and her mother reminds her what will happen at the end of the day. Some teenagers, nearing the end of their secondary school studies, talk about education in Spain. ARUB is present too; the words she hears and the spontaneity with which they are spoken inspire her to take a decision. At the end of the day the big moment arrives for ARUB, but she’s not at home.
[ES] OMAIMA una niña marroquí de 9 años y otros niños, buscan en un atlas su país de origen y cuentan a cámara en donde nacieron y de donde se sienten. Mientras tanto, ARUB la hermana mayor de OMAIMA está en casa, amasa harina para hacer pan y su madre le recuerda que al final del día será pedida en matrimonio. Más tarde, adolescentes próximos a terminar la secundaria hablan sobre la educación en España, ARUB está presente, lo que escucha y la naturalidad de sus interlocutores le permite tomar una decisión. Al final del día el momento llega para ARUB, pero ella no está en casa.
—Grant, Instituto de Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales. (ICCA) Spain 2009
—Official Selection, ZINEBI 52. Bilbao - Spain 2010
—Canditacy to best documentary short film, GOYA 2011
—Official Selection, XARRADESENCURT. Valencia - Spain 2011
Written and directed by Julieta Zabaleta
Cinematography by Javier Rapallo Huertas
Editing by Luis Felipe Ruiz, Julieta Zabaleta
Sound by Victor Fernández
Produced by Grupo Cine Arte
Format 35mm