FÉNIX (teaser short film)
[EN] FÉNIX (PHOENIX) goes to the subway to rap with his best friend CARLITOS, against his mother’s wishes. Later that day while FÉNIX sings in one of the subway cars, he meets EDWIN in the middle of the show. He is a known face from the past who has come to remind him of a life of crime that he wants to forget.
[ES] FÉNIX va al metro a 'rapear' con su mejor amigo CARLITOS, en contra de la voluntad de su madre. Ese día, en medio del show; mientras FÉNIX canta en uno de los vagones, se encuentra con EDWIN, un rostro del pasado que ha venido a recordarle una vida de delincuencia, que él quiere olvidar.
—Grant, Instituto de Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales. (ICCA) Spain 2022
—Best Ibero-Amercan short film, FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL PIRÍAPOLIS. Uruguay 2022
—Official Selection, CINE HORIZONTES. Marsella 2022
—Official Selection, FESTIVAL ÍCARO. Guatemala 2022
Written and directed by Julieta Zabaleta Rondón
Cinematography by Iván Molina Carmona
Editing by Julieta Zabaleta Rondón, Camila Gómez Ayerbé
Sound by Alejandro Molano Vásquez, Andrés Montaña
Produced by Julieta Zabaleta Rondón, Josephine Landertinger Forero
Format 4K